with Juliette de Marcellus
Fridays from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Session I: December 1, 8, 15; January 5, 12, 26; February 2, 9
$175 per 8-class session
Follow the dramatic development of society and culture in France and England following the Napoleonic wars, including famous scandals, fashion trends, and political and social personalities. In France, follow the reign of Louis Philippe and a cultured Paris featuring Chopin, Liszt, Balzac, George Sand and Delacroix. In England, learn about the first Reform Bills the postal system and police force during an explosion of written works by Dickens, the Brontes, Thackeray and Byron.
Juliette de Marcellus is an award-winning music critic, lecturer, and author of fiction and non-fiction.