Biography Book Club: Viktor Frankl

Wednesday, February 5, 2025, 11:00AM

Open to the public
No charge
Reservations required for each meeting.


Each moderated small group will focus on the life of a prominent person. A suggested reading list of available books from the King Library will be distributed once registered. The book group requires attendees to read at least one of the suggested books and come ready to discuss.

Viktor Frankl (1905-1997) was an Austrian neurologist, psychiatrist, and Holocaust survivor, renowned for his groundbreaking work in existential psychology. His profound insights into the human condition continue to inspire individuals worldwide, offering guidance on finding purpose and hope in the face of adversity.

Moderator: Hindel Levitin

Biography: Hindel Levitin is the program director of The Chabad House, a synagogue located in the heart of Palm Beach. She shares the joys of Judaism with all ages in varied ways, from producing musicals with the very young, to teaching preschool and high school classes.  She is also the director of the Jewish Women’s Circle of Palm Beach providing social, artistic, and intellectual programming for women. Hindel’s newest adventure is being founder and music teacher at the Silverman Alef Preschool. She and her husband Rabbi Zalman Levitin live on Palm Beach and are the grateful parents of nine children.